Safety & Response Solutions

Investigate and de-escalate hazardous scenarios while keeping operators out of harm’s way.

On-Demand Webinar: Legged Robots in Public Safety

First on Site. First to Respond.

Robots have been used in public safety applications for decades, going into situations that are unsafe for people. Now Spot’s unique mobility and ease of use make it easier than ever to respond quickly and get the information needed to resolve incidents.

Remote Investigation

Gain situational awareness from a safe distance

Nuclear Decommissioning

Minimize worker dose and support decommissioning efforts


Investigate chemical, biological, or radiological threats

Keeping People Out of Harm's Way

Real-Time Data

Whether responding to an emergent event, or handling materials too dangerous for people - Spot can provide crucial information back to decision makers.

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Keeping People Out of Harm's Way

Ease of Use

Users can teleoperate Spot from a safe distance to perform a variety of dangerous tasks.

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Keeping People Out of Harm's Way

Advanced Agility

Spot goes where people can’t so you can remotely investigate, assess, and de-escalate.

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Customize Spot for your mission.

Spot’s versatility shines even more with a range of available payload options. Additional equipment can expand the robot’s capabilities in critical areas, including data capture, processing, navigation, communications, and more.

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Want to see our solutions in action?

If you’re interested in learning more about Boston Dynamics or our solutions, explore success stories and reach out to our experts.